Livermore Little League

Upper Division

Intermediate, Junior and Senior Divisions

Livermore Little League will provide all of our players with the best venue to further their baseball interests and ultimately reach their goals of playing high school baseball.  We are dedicated to not only the baseball development of our players, but also the personal development and growth of all of the young men in our program. 

Our youth teams and the development of our youth players is of the utmost importance to us as an organization.  The Upper Division consists of three levels described below:

Intermediate Players: Players who are league age 12 and 13 are eligible to be selected to an Intermediate (50/70) Division team for the regular season. If a league aged 12 year old player is not selected for the Gold Team, they are required to play in the Majors Division. 

  • The Intermediate (50/70) League Division team consists of a House Team and a Gold Team. At the end of the season, leagues may form All-Star teams which will compete in the LLB Intermediate League All-Star tournament. The winner of the district level of the tournament gets an automatic bid to the Intermediate LLWS, which is currently held in Livermore each year. In addition to registration fees, each family will be required to meet the volunteer requirements and/or pay the opt out fee.

Junior League Players: Players who are league age 13 and 14 are eligible to be selected to a Junior League Division team for the regular season. The Junior League competes against teams within their boundaries, and District 57 schedules games between the teams. This program features both an 80' and a 90' program. Pending participation, there may be a combined team with Granada LLL. Junior League teams schedule consists of approximately 15 to 25 games. 

  • The Junior League consists of a House Team and a Gold Team.  At the end of the season, the league may create All-Star teams to compete in the LLB Junior League All-Star Tournament, which is played on the 90' diamond.  In addition to registration fees, each family will be required to meet the volunteer requirements and/or pay the Opt Out fee.

Senior League Players: Players who are league age 15-16 are eligible to be selected to a Senior League Division team for the regular season. The Senior League program offers Livermore Little League players to play amongst other District 57 teams.  If warranted, and with LLB approval, LLL and GLL may combine to field a team if insufficient numbers of players are available to form an individual team.  

  • The Senior League consists of a House Team and a Gold Team. Senior League teams schedule consists of approximately 15 to 25 games. At the end of the season, the league may create AllStar teams to compete in the LLB Senior League AllStar Tournament. In addition to registration, each family will be required to meet the volunteer requirements and/or pay the Opt Out fee.

What is the difference between a House Team and a Gold Team?

House Team

The House team is a competitive recreational program. Our house teams accommodate the less skilled and still developing player who wants to continue baseball beyond Little League. There are player evaluations and teams will be selected with the goal of creating competitive balance, with no cuts. Evaluations will be held near the end of January. House teams will play in the local league against other house teams for a schedule of approximately 13 to 20 games. House teams are coached by parent volunteers. Other than registration, there is no additional team fee, however, each family will be required to meet the volunteer requirements and/or pay the Opt Out fee.  

Gold Team

This is a competitive team, designed for the all-star caliber player with advanced skills. Players must try out and be selected for these teams, and a greater time commitment will be required of the players than for a House team. Gold teams will play in the District 57 league against other Gold level teams. Gold teams schedule consists of approximately 15 to 25 games. The spring season runs from approximately January to June. Pending the selection process, there could be two Gold teams.  Livemore Little League will also assess on a year by year basis if there will be a combined Gold team with Granada LLL.  Gold Team Coaches are appointed by the Upper Division VP in conjunction with the League President and Vice President.  

PLEASE NOTE:  To be considered for an LLL Gold Team, players must have paid the non refundable try-out fee by the indicated date listed in the registration form, and attend the evaluation. 

An additional Gold Team development fee will be required, and families will be required to pay for tournament fees. Also, each family will be required to meet the expected volunteer requirements and/or pay the Opt Out fee during registration.