Livermore Little League Volunteers

Coaching positive attitudes, learn the value of winning or losing, and let’s just have fun!

Coaching positive attitudes, learn the value of winning or losing, and let’s just have fun!

Team parent, scorekeeper… Let’s just support our kids and have fun!! Your kids will love your involvement!

Team parent, scorekeeper… Let’s just support our kids and have fun!! Your kids will love your involvement!

Umpiring can be so rewarding up close and part of the game!

Umpiring can be so rewarding up close and part of the game!

Field prep - prep the field for your player’s game and watch the fun they will have during the game!

Field prep - prep the field for your player’s game and watch the fun they will have during the game!

Thank you to all our awesome volunteers for their time, dedication and commitment to our league!

Volunteers are needed to help our league run efficiently and effectively this season. No effort is too small!

Please see below for a list of common volunteer opportunities. Please consider how to best use your talents and skills to help provide our kids the best Little League experience possible! Each family is required to volunteer a minimum of (12) hours per season, or they can choose to opt-out and pay the $300 fee at the time of registration.

All volunteers working with children must complete a background check.

  • Manager/Head Coach (one per team, and this role fulfills the volunteer requirement for the season)

    • The Manager/Head Coach requires time, patience, and basic knowledge of the game of baseball. The Manager/Head Coach will be required to attend meetings and coaching clinics throughout the duration of the season. The Manager/Head Coach communicates with the parents/guardians of the players to inform them of schedule changes, rainouts, and Little League events and activities. The Manager/Head Coach will have more interaction with the youth in our league than anyone else, therefore it is important that the goals and virtues of the Little League program are communicated to the players and implemented into their structure of coaching baseball.

  • Assistant Coach (There are three per team for Majors & AAA teams, three per team for AA and Single A teams, and four per team for Rookie & T-ball teams. This role fulfills the volunteer requirement for the season).

    • The Assistant Coach supports the Manager/Head Coach during practices and games. If the Manager/Head Coach is unavailable to hold practice or attend at game, an Assistant Coach would fill that role. They will assist with drills during practice and may act in the role of the first base, third base, or dugout coach during games. In this role, you will also have a high level of interaction with the youth of our league and should communicate and model behavior expected of a Little League coach.

  • Dugout Parent (For T-ball and Rookie Divisions only. A volunteer must be in present in the dugout during games. This role fulfills the volunteer requirement for the season).

    • This individual will monitor and supervise players in the dugout during games.

  • Team Parent (Each team will have one Team Parent, and this role fulfills the volunteer requirement for the season).

    • The Team Parent has the duties and responsibilities to handle the administrative tasks for the team, which will allow the Manager to concentrate on coaching the players and team development. The Team Parent will be expected to attend the Team Parent Meeting and receive all the information needed to pass onto the manager, assistant coaches, and parents. The Team Parent is also responsible for organizing the end of season team party.

  • Scorekeeper (Each Single A – Intermediate team can have up to three designated scorekeepers, and this role fulfills the volunteer requirement for the season).

    • The responsibility of a scorekeeper is to keep an accurate score during games using Game Changer (if you are the home team) or keep track of the pitch count (if you are the away team). Previous scorekeeping experience is NOT required, as LLL will provide several training clinics prior to the season start.

  • Umpire (Each team must send at least two individuals to the Umpire Mechanics Training, (date/location/time: TBD), as well as umpire at least two league games. If an individual umpires a minimum of six games during the season, the volunteer requirement would be fulfilled for the season).

    • Aside from calling ball or strike and safe or out, umpires are responsible for teaching players good sportsmanship and the rules of the game. Umpires are also called upon to interpret rules and help settle minor disputes that may occur during games. Our minor and major games (Single A – Majors teams) have one home plate umpire and a minimum of one field umpire. Before becoming an umpire, you are required to participate in training sessions prior to the season start. Also, for every adult umpire that umpires a minimum of (twelve) games, you will receive (one) player’s registration fees back at the end of the season.

  • Merch Volunteer

    • Staff the merch booth/table, assist in payment transactions, conduct opening/closing duties of the merchandise booth and assist families with any/all of their merchandise needs. 

      • Sign Up to work the Merch Booth at RLCC (Robert Livermore Community Center) fields.

      • Sign Up to work the Merch Booth at Jackson (Robert Livermore Community Center) fields.

  • Field Prep Crew/Field Clean Up Day Crew (Each team can have up to two individuals fill this role, and this role fulfills the volunteer requirements for the season).

    • As a part of the field maintenance team, your skills and abilities will be used to prep the field for your child’s team prior to game time. This includes watering the field, raking dirt, and chalking the lines. This role is also responsible for participating on Field Clean Up Day with cleaning up leaves and other debris from around the fields, and other special tasks assigned especially for this day.

  • Special Events Team (The volunteer hours will vary depending on the role fulfilled. There is no limit per team for this role).

    • As a member of this team, you will have the opportunity to earn volunteer hours for various events and activities LLL hosts throughout the season. This includes, but is not limited to: Opening Day Ceremony, Picture Day, Snack Shack Sales, LLL Yearbook, Merchandise Sales, Mother’s Day Event, Closing Day Ceremony, etc.

  • Team Photographer (Fulfills 6 volunteer hours)

    • No special camera required! Smart phones will do the job. We just need a few photos from your team each week uploaded to a shared LLL drive. You are not responsible for taking photos of the entire game…just a couple of pics of small groups of kids from before/after/during games, practice or league events. In action photos are fine too if you’re comfortable with them but they’re not required. These photos will contribute to our leagues social media posts every week and our end of season yearbook. 

  • Raffle Basket Coordinator (One individual per team, with four volunteer hours earned)

    • This person would choose the basket theme, collect donations, assemble basket, and bring to LLL on Opening Day.